What is a Cookie?

When browsing the website www.konect.gg  (hereafter referred to as the “Website”), cookies, pixels, tags and other trackers (hereafter referred to as the “Cookies”) are installed on your computer.

A cookie is a small file, often encrypted, that is stored in your browser or device and is identified by a name. It is installed when you visit a website or application. Each time you return to the said website or application, the Cookie is retrieved from your browser or device. This ensures that each time you visit the website or application, the browser is recognized.

The installation of these Cookies is likely to enable us to access your browsing data and/or personal data concerning you.

Cookies Identification

We may use advertising Cookies, content personalization Cookies, social network Cookies, or analytical Cookies. You will be informed of this on your first visit to the Website using these cookies. You will then be invited to accept or refuse them in accordance with the terms described below.

Your Cookies preferences

Cookies that can be installed without consent

Some cookies do not require your consent, such as:

Acceptance or refusal of Cookies subject to your express consent

All other Cookies require your consent. These include Advertising Cookies, Social Networking Cookies, Content Personalization Cookies and some Audience Analysis Cookies. You may freely choose to accept or decline the use of these Cookies**.**

You can accept or refuse these Cookies the first time you browse the Website.

Your choices to accept or refuse these Cookies will be retained for a period of six (6) months.